Ambient Education
Posted by Toni on 14th September and posted in Uncategorized
Leaving of the estimated one that the education is the form most efficient to sensetize to the population of the ambient problems and that this process of intervention must be practised by the action of the school, one not only becomes urgent of a present ambient educator in classroom, but, providing to activities extra-room of lesson for the educandos. The school, in this perspective has excellent function of awaking an ecological conscience in the alunado one contributing for the transformation of the society, therefore, it gives credit that this is optimum way to change the relations of the man with the way. In this context, the action of the School must be in the direction of that the pupil becomes conscientious of its paper as citizen pass to act as such. FREIRE (2005, p.65), teaches in them that: The more we analyze the relations educator-educandos, in the school, any of its levels (or it are of it), seems that more we can convince in them that these relations present a special and marcante character – of being basically narrative relations, dissertadora. Thus, the school in partnership with the community and the public power, must propitiate to the educandos projects of Education. Ambient, similar of that if it becomes a sustainable educational institution. For Vasconcellos (1997), the presence in all practical the educative ones, of the reflection on the relations of the beings between itself, the human being with he himself and the human being with its fellow creature is essential condition so that the Ambient Education occurs. Being thus, the school appears as a privileged space for implantation of activities that provides this reflection and the process of awareness of the pertaining to school community must foment initiatives that exceed the space of school, reaching not only the quarter that it is inserted as well as communities where the professors, employees and pupils inhabits.