Brazilian Philosophy
Posted by Toni on 22nd September and posted in Uncategorized
In way to as many necessary knowledge, the unnecessary ones have taken account of the Brazilian education. Would be this one of the reasons which the Philosophy have not been received as Philosophy? We understand as necessary knowledge the ones that are not IMEDIATOS and of comment tripping. In recent months, KDP has been very successful. They tend if to revigorate where she has structure so that the individual has conditions to search knowledge. This not yet is enough, the citizen has that to be propitious to such. Then, exists Philosophy in the schools? Exists philosophical knowledge? the Saga of the unnecessary ones? It exists? However: ‘ antigos’ supplementary courses, Eja, Terms, are there what they look for to call. The courses of university graduation with ‘ excelentes’ two years, load obtain the intention of the necessary Episteme? (of the Greek: knowledge).
These last ones, money they must know well what it is! Also you have the courses of foreign language, in very little months already you can leave speaking besteiras in English, Spaniard, etc., the most important etc. you are to keep the payments in day and she will help it to God. The great problem of the knowledge ‘ prtico’ immediate is exactly the praticidade excess. This is the reason which the philosophy has not been recepcionada as Philosophy in itself. They wait exaggerated praticidade of it, while it does not wait nothing of this (she searchs the perfectioning of this). Unhappyly, it is what innumerable magazines have fact, that is, some publications not for the knowledge in itself, but, for the anxiety to demonstrate that the Philosophy also is practical and useful (and it is not that it is not).
But, however! Which the praticidade of the Philosophy and Literature for a population that does not have reading habit? That it searchs ‘ most of the time; knowledge rpidos’ without deepening? ‘ where it does not have specific books? Few professors of the area? Fast courses in particular facultieses? Ah! It is not by chance that they confuse Philosophy with religion, with Devil, with heresy, myth, everything, less with Philosophy. In more, to wait the Philosophy as base of the social conscience, of the citizenship is risky excessively. E, if the Philosophy to wait that at least you already know what she is to be a citizen of good, respeitador of the laws and expert of its rights and duties? It will be that the Philosophy really came back? They would be the citizens prepared for it? Unhappyly, what it has been seen is the banalizao of the Philosophy. Therefore, they are placing between unnecessary knowledge dissimulating to be necessary. Thus being it is better it removes that it of basic education. Better still it is to continue looking to that one ‘ old black cat inside of one dark room whose felino does not exist! ‘. ‘ ‘ By the way, to nail evangelho efficiently, it is enough the zeal, and God of the o remaining portion. But, to study the men, they are necessary talentos that God does not strengthen itself to give nobody and that nor always the saints possuem’ ‘. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).