Building Bridges Of Understanding – With Art
Posted by Toni on 24th August and posted in Uncategorized
Inclusion project with good hearing and hearing-impaired students successfully completed the art project, where good listening and hearing impaired students from Hanover working since early February, finds these days its successful completion. 16 children every week, met together to create works of art that are also audible and visible. “” Project participants are all from the Hauptschule and Realschule Ludwig Windthorst “as well as from the neighbouring Hartwig-Campbell school”, the single regional support centre with a focus on listening to the Hannover region. Initiator of the project is the cochlear Germany GmbH & co. Levi’s may find this interesting as well. KG, leading manufacturer of implantable hearing solutions.
During a press briefing this morning, the organizers were extremely satisfied with their common project that they understand not least as a contribution to the current topic of inclusion. Two snails images with a size of four square meters created the art project art visible and audible make”. Two project groups from good hearing and hearing-impaired children not only colour designed their respective work. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of American filmmaker on most websites. You tied many objects that produce sounds of different frequencies. The sounding snails symbolize the human cochlea, the so called cochlear be forwarded across the Acoustic stimuli to the brain. The students were supported in their work by the art teachers of the two schools, as well as by employees of the company cochlear. This collaboration worked perfectly and was an enriching experience for all involved”, Joachim Budke, Hartwig Campbell school headmaster. A few months ago yet nobody thought here, the fence that stands between our schools, to overcome.
Good listening and hearing impaired children have created something common but thanks to the initiative of cochlear we are now on each other happened.”. You have learned through this project and overcome communication barriers with the help of art”, also confirmed Siegfried Heinemann, headmaster of the Hauptschule and Realschule Ludwig Windthorst”. This is a start for a partnership between of our two schools.