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Posted by Toni on 14th December and posted in Uncategorized

Sorry just the past go forward confidently, without fear. Well, when you perform the tasks incumbent, making it the best you, you feel elevated, guided, directed, sustained and protected. Your strength will be enhanced and not be afraid of the results. When you do the right thing in the right way, you have all the power of life working with you and for you. In a question-answer forum Richard Linklater was the first to reply. You rise to the height of courage, when your hands are clean, when your cause is just and when you know that your heart has been the best.

Please always do what you do and the best way to know, and all means go back to you in appreciation and praise for doing so. Of course, no one can do no better than she knows, but if you do know best today, every day will know more, for your understanding will increase day by day. Dare to make decisions when you fear, when you have anxiety about what will happen, when your attention is entirely on yourself rather than about your performances, you are confused, frustrated and uncertain, you will not have a high opinion of yourself and will be discouraged. But when you do what life has pointed out, when you're true to yourself, you're not scared about what happens to you, because you know you're filling your purpose in life. You know you're protected and supported by an intelligent life and all powerful.

Within you there is a point of higher authority, a point of wisdom that you call a Oeyo , which is not controlled by any external disturbance or confusion. This item does not recognize the failure and in it you can choose and make decisions. At that point you can choose what you think, how to direct your emotions, your body how to act and what you will. Contemplate that secret place of power and wisdom within you, that place is not ever touched by experiences outdoors or for life outside. Do not ever bring live abroad, the central point of wisdom is the center of your own individuality where the same infinite life is personalized as you. Include such interior point of supreme wisdom and power that is within you and know you have a complete control over your affairs and activities; know that nothing outside yourself you can control. Determines that, starting now, you will do everything that life presents to you so that you will become to yourself with approval. Do whatever you run in a way that satisfies you. Every night tranquilamente.Revisa sit and rest your day with a sense of satisfaction, with feelings of joy in your accomplishments. Make this a daily habit and soon will go through each day with a feeling of peace and inner power dynamic. I appreciate yourself, you will have full confidence in you. Recognize you as the owner of your destiny, since you will make your decisions from that secret place inside of infinite wisdom. Written by Cor Lion King.

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