Contested Territories
Posted by Toni on 21st May and posted in Uncategorized
The educational system, under the point of view presented here, preponderantly does not value the daily experiences of the pupils, using them as motivacional and facilitador pedagogical resource of the learning. The nature of the pertaining to school culture makes it difficult the insertion knowing of them daily in practical the pedagogical ones, as it points Sacristn (apud Contested Territories; 1995, P. 101-102): ' ' The pertaining to school culture emphasizes the intellectual, in detriment of social, affective, aesthetic, motor, manual or ethical the dimension of the pupils. … The human being, in the normal life, exercises the comment, the communication, the learning, the taking of weighed decisions, the expression, the object manipulation and instruments in situations much more varied of what in the school … the pertaining to school culture considers and imposes forms not only to think, but? comportamentos' ' inside of the schools and the classrooms? ' '.
This aspect reflects as the culture popular it is seen, in contraposition to a legitimated culture socially, represented for the pertaining to school culture. Let us see as Knijnik cites (1996, p.101), on the relation of cultural domination in ' ' esquema' ' of Grignon and Passeron: ' ' … in the origin, has a social domination between the classrooms, established for a relation of economic force of one on the other, namely, of the ruling classes on the dominated ones. It is this material force also, that it makes possible to the dominant groups to define? its? culture as the valid, legitimate culture, restoring not more only enters the classrooms a relation of economic subordination, but, ademais, a symbolic relation. It is had, then, a relation of material force that is strengthened for the symbolic violence generated that it. The paper of the symbolic domination would be this: to carry through? esquecimento? of that the relation of original material force exists, making to seem? legitimate? domination simblica' '.