European Russia
Posted by Toni on 29th May and posted in Uncategorized
Regarding globalization, questions about the necessity of knowing a foreign language do not arise. Fluency in English (which is good) becomes a kind of norm in our country (which, incidentally, can not but rejoice), so and everywhere, and, even in countries whose economies are still far from a status of “developed”. And here are just citizens, for whom knowledge of the language was a necessity, faced with a very interesting and compelling is not only a problem for them: How to learn a foreign language in the shortest possible time? Try to understand. A related site: Gerald Weissmann, MD mentions similar findings. In fact, the problem is not so new. Let us imagine the average university graduates. First foreign language studied them in school (this knowledge, as a rule, once does not count): many teachers are not required, the child was interested in others, and school program is frankly lame. Qualified staff could then, and even more so now, boast not all medium-educational institutions (and beyond the program do not go away). Now the situation is no better if we talk about public schools because private schools are already able to theoretically raise the level of linguistics to the students.
Well, it’s not about that. After school, store of knowledge a student has updated again, as a rule, rather modestly. I’m not talking about specialized linguistic faculties. Practice shows that if you do not dig too deep, the process of studying, say, English, and it is most common in the territory of European Russia, in schools and institutions of the country is reduced to that of a student requires knowledge of fact, only (!) English grammar and a certain number of English words, even without speech turns, wherewith all the same English is extremely rich.