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Formation Psychologist

Posted by Toni on 3rd July and posted in Uncategorized

Aindaexistem the internal works of the SUS where psychologists also act, as osCentros of Formation and Education of the Worker of Health, support technician aosprogramas of the woman, aged, child and adolescent, mental health, amongst others. This demonstrates an evident evolution of the recognition of the function and of trabalhodo psychologist, therefore, when coming back to the decade of 1970 we observe that psiclogopossua secondary paper in hospitals and the ambulatorial attention, that is, noera recognized in its totality. This evolution was only obtained in 1980, through domovimento the professionals of health and the financial crisis of the INAMPS (InstitutoNacional de Medical Assistncia and Social welfare), that from 1974, date of its creation for the military regimen, it started to offer attendance gratuitoaos that contribuam with the social welfare. The movement of the professionals desade had as objective the integral attention to the health. It was in this movement quecomearam to appear the minimum teams of mental health, composed for psychologist, psychiatrist and social assistant. The decade of 1990 a right of all citizen was characterized for the agreement of sadeser, not importing its ‘ ‘ classe’ ‘ social, where the SUS would be the responsible agency to take care of the presented demand. Seusprincpios basic is: the universality, the completeness, the fairness, decentralization and only command, resolutividade, regionalizao and hierarquizaoe popular participation.

Also in this decade Psychiatric about dosHospitais questionings appear, the Brazilian antimanicomial movement start with olema ‘ ‘ to lock is not tratar’ ‘. Again the formation of the secontradiz psychologist with the reality: how to treat the people without moving them for localprotegido? As to treat them without delegating the first evaluation to the psychiatrist antesda intervention of other professionals? (FIELDS, GUARIDO, 2007, P. 83) It is evident that to each new knowledge, new model desade presented, either for the government or social movements, the psychologist eos excessively professional of the area of the health tried to adjust itself to the same ones, semprevisando the joint work for one better evaluation of the situation.

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