Graduate Student Published Scientific Articles
Posted by Toni on 6th June and posted in Uncategorized
For each graduate student is always urgent issue – where and how to publish research papers? I’ll try to answer it from my own experience. Question graduate publications, generally speaking, should be subject to ‘Regulations on order awarding degrees. ” In section 11 of the states: ‘The main scientific results of the thesis to be published in scientific journals. ” At the same time that the applicant for a Ph.D. should have at least one publication in the journal, recommended by SCC and a number (usually less than 8-10) ‘normal’ publications. And if the publications in journals from a list of all the WAC more or less clear – enough to download the latest version of HAC the list and check out whether it or that journal, then the rest of scientific publications frequently have problems.
How do I choose a scientific journal? Let us look at this issue. So, my experience of publications (a both positive and negative) showed that the scientific journal can be trusted, if: 1. The magazine has a well-decorated output. Check to see if the publisher (not so important, the university is or commercial organization), the circulation, the name typography. It is important that the magazine had a code ISSN – without the magazine has almost no value.
2. Clearly marked with contact information about the journal: postal address, phone number and e-mail. Be careful, if you specify only the number of mobile phone (mobile codes always begin look like 9XX). 3. Set the editorial board. Think you have enough for a serious scientific publication ‘editor Ivanov II’ even without a scientific degree? 4. The magazine has a good web site. You will be much easier if the site of the scientific journal will be clearly marked to the IOM. As well, if the site is an archive of all previous issues – hence, your Article will be available to readers not only in the printed version, but also in electronic form. 5. The magazine participates in formation of final – Russian Science Citation Index. To do this, the bibliographic descriptions of articles to the magazine be submitted to the Scientific Electronic Library 6. The journal is published frequently. The best option – a monthly publication that will publish a scientific paper as soon as possible. Can I recommend some particular journal? Perhaps, yes. The most pleasant experience I still have to co-operate with the scientific magazine ‘Young Scientist’. I was surprised that the letters editor responds very quickly, so that all issues are resolved quickly. Place where you can track the status of their publications. Even the mail did not disappoint – packet received within 6 days after! And so are worth the cover! ..