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Knowledge Manager

Posted by Toni on 2nd August and posted in Uncategorized

A far-sighted management is your QM-system to the corporate vision and the corporate objectives. On this basis the management can undergo all company departments and their activities a quality check, derive from the concrete activities and measures, and develop quality standards and standards that help him achieve these standards themselves. So, assumes the QM everyday practical importance and helps everyone involved in the development of quality guidelines, where is daily action in the company oriented and should be these guidelines constantly questioned, checked and adjusted to the current requirements. “This is of paramount importance, because quality of the managers and employees lived ‘ must be: quality management is first and foremost a matter of the attitude towards the customers a high quality standard to be established for the. And therefore representative of as each Division should sit in the project team.

It is wise, to record a Knowledge Manager, the project team of the Represents interests of knowledge management and this concern is that the quality standards and norms be integrated into knowledge management of the company. The procedure of quality management QM consultant”means systematically to take care, that the processes in the company indeed expire, as they are scheduled. To enable the detection of sources of error turn off and avoid errors in the future. In addition: quality management is a dynamic and open process, because an achieved qualitatively high-quality standard not is enshrined forever, but must be developed continuously on the new. But how exactly does the implementation of QM? The QM consultant on time is responsible for the planning, implementation and further development of the QM-system and reported to the Executive Board. So that he can meet his task, the corresponding competences and powers are conferred. The coordination of the QM processes belong to its areas of responsibility and the periodic review of progress of QM, this inspection process called internal audit.

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