Latin American
Posted by Toni on 24th July and posted in Uncategorized
Beyond that, cities are poles of power demanded autonomy. The small towns develop or make reborn their previous cultural conditions and claim active presence in the conformation of the new order. Local instances of power are the order of the day. Within this trend is inserted the claim of administrative decentralization, because each region wants to manage its criminal, from hospitals to the police. It should be noted that this universal tendency is only countered in countries such as Venezuela, where a dictatorial regime considers it necessary to accumulate all the powers for the maintenance of the oppressive regime.
The formation of regional blocs alters geopolitical global security systems. Key decisions are not taken in the framework of the nation-State, not even on continents as the Latin American where all integration processes never go out of the embryonic stage. Let’s now add the new technologies of the communication. Citizens are increasingly more than another space other than the territory itself, are of cyberspace, of a universal terrain where form new networks of interests and cultural exchange that exceeds by far the old limits. The world now decline is determined and acts in global terms. There is no longer a territorial space itself as a basis for action.
The trend is towards the deterritorialization. Today there are NGOs involved in specific fields in situations that occur anywhere in the world. This marks another type of organization that is involved in global processes, since they are integrated by people who belong to various nationalities. They exercise power insofar as they affect change situations, from environmental to policies, from economic to geostrategic. Thus, a Venezuelan citizen intervenes in the crisis in Burma along to an Englishman or a South African, joining efforts and making use of modern communication technology. There is a new way of being a citizen and in the refuge are intermingled in local with an intense involvement in the destiny of the whole planet.