Myofunctional Therapy
Posted by Toni on 26th October and posted in Uncategorized
Within the range of therapies applied to communication disorders found one that has a strong theoretical basis and practice, and is used in speech disorders and some orofacial dysfunctions. This is the Myofunctional Therapy. This therapy is applied in conditions such as dyslalia, the cleft lip and palate, the atypical swallowing, the mouth breathing and other disturbances. Here we briefly review the origin, definition and implementation of therapy myofunctional. Origen.
Myofunctional therapy is based on the theory of the growth of the face proposed by Enlow (1984), which emphasizes that the facial bones do not grow by themselves, but that growth is produced by the array of white fabric covering full each bone. Genetic factors and functional bone growth are in the soft tissues such as muscles and connective tissue. This knowledge coupled with the work of the specialist speech and language has provided a new approach to functional alterations skeletal muscle. Definition. Myofunctional therapy is the use of knowledge on facial growth and its interaction with soft tissues such as tongue, lips and orofacial muscles to balance the muscle-skeleton suitable to speech functionality.
Applications. Myofunctional therapy is applied to the following types of alterations: Speech disturbances of congenital or acquired (cleft lip and palate, facial trauma, etc.). Functional impairment of speech (dyslalias praxical). Disorders of orofacial functions (atypical swallowing, mouth breathing, etc..) Phases for implementing Myofunctional Therapy. Evaluation: The initial assessment of a patient provides a clinical observation and assessment instruments. In the clinical evaluation are explored fonoarticulatorios bodies and orofacial muscles through a static and dynamic evaluation. It also evaluates the autonomic functions of breathing, sucking, swallowing and chewing. Finally we evaluate the speech articulation. The assessment instrument can see x-rays, and electromyography rinofibroscopia as appropriate. Treatment: Treatment should be undertaken as soon as possible and start detecting bad oral habits and associated disorders. Controlling bad oral habits is a prerequisite for a good result. Are you interested in this item?