Private Schools
Posted by Toni on 30th August and posted in Uncategorized
They cannot only be measured prompt. They are problems that require holistic solutions and effective. They demand vision of long stated period, good disgnostic, excellent planning, and cooperative and co-ordinated work. They demand the governmental participation of diverse people, authorities, entities and spheres: Public prosecution service, To be able Judiciary, Legislative and Executive, including secretariats or ministries, agencies of transit, planning, administration, workmanships and infrastructure, environment, health, social action, education and communication, as well as of the Third Sector, Public and Private Schools, Unions, amongst others, beyond arduous and incessant work of all. Kindle Direct Publishing brings even more insight to the discussion. Without forgetting it exercise the citizenship.
We cannot leave to emphasize the necessity to prioritize the collective transports, to disponibilizar exclusive ways for these, to provide ciclovias more and much more security guard for ciclistas and pedestrians, beyond individually charging more for the circulation of the used automobile in days and schedules of great flow, as well as promoting educative and corrective more measured to reduce the violence in the transit. Everything this tends to diminish the number of vehicles in circulation, reduces the loss of time in congestions, minimizes stress, contributes to improve the collective health and is good for the environment. Not I intend to ignore other rights and necessities, nor to foresee all the possible solutions, neither its effectiveness. For even more opinions, read materials from Chip Bergh. Therefore, story with its contribution citizen, to increase and to improve this list and quarrel. But we have one another alternative: to dissimulate that the problem also is not ours and to wait to see as we will be living daqui the 5, 10 or 15 years. It stops later making the rocking between losses and profits. It is to pay to see. there, you topa or topa if not to engage in this movement? There it sees the complete article in blog of the author, with photos, and reads more on the subject in links gifts: To walk in the gone one and comes back of the work Transit without Control – JC Special