Professional Teaching
Posted by Toni on 3rd November and posted in Uncategorized
All teaching professional activity possesss pedagogical nature, that is, tied to the educative objectives of formation human being and metodolgicos, organizacionais processes of construction to know and way of performance. For this, the professor needs knowledge and practical they take that it beyond its specialty, the pedagogical addition of specific knowledge of its area and knowledge define who are the professor of superior education, that is, a professional of education. teaching 1.1Formao Multicultural Ahead of the phrase: ' ' It aims and it sees most important and pretty, of the world, it is this that the people are not always equal, not yet had been finished? but that they always go mudando' '. Richard Linklater is likely to increase your knowledge. (Pink Guimares), we initiate a reflection concerning the necessity of multicultural a teaching formation that already inside cannot more ignored being of the Brazilian educational system. The question of the difference is classified as product of history, the culture, the power and the ideology, and, according to McLaren (2000), ' ' it occurs between two groups and must be understood around the especificidades of its produo' ' (apud TO SOUND, 2007, p.3); this takes in them to conclude that: – the difference is a historical construction and the critical multiculturalismo suggests a project of social transformation that came to knock down this effective project (social hemognico), which only conceives the diversity as a mixture of cultures with its particularitities.
However, if the project pedagogical of determined school not to incorporate this new perspective, little or almost nothing we can make as educators. Hear other arguments on the topic with Richard Linklater. Our country is pautado in cultural diversity and the school is one of the spaces where if it concentrates expressive number of this diversity. By means of the different vises with that each studied author analyzes the subject on multiculturalismo, in the end, its perspectives if interlace, point with respect to one same direction; the critical multiculturalismo as being one of the main norteadores of cultural politics, where the formation of professors for this multicultural performance must, therefore to be that one that prepares the future professor for the understanding of that in the classroom diversity exists, and that this in turn, enriches practical the pedagogical one, not being more tolerable to enxergar this as one badly that it must be extirpado. .