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ReEducation Environment

Posted by Toni on 21st August and posted in Uncategorized

Quotation of prices for the accomplishment of the campaign for the re-education how much to the selective garbage collection was carried through, including the final art and impression of the news with a drawing of 3.000 units, beyond the posters and pamphlets. Value of the collecting materials of lixoR$ 21,372, 48 Value of the hand of workmanship for installation of the lixeiras and placasR$ 5,000, 00 Value of the plates of sinalizaoR$ 7,095, 67 Value of the Campaign of publicidadeR$ 10,500, 00 total Cost of projetoR$ 43,968, 15 Advantages of the Recycling. The results of the recycling are expressive in such a way in the ambient field, as in the fields economic and social. In the half-environment the recycling can reduce the gradual garbage accumulation the production of new materials, as for example the paper, that would demand the cut of more trees; the emissions of gases as methane and carbonic gas; the aggressions to the ground, air and water; among others as many negative factors. In the economic aspect the recycling contributes for the use more rational of the natural resources and the replacement of those resources that are passveis of reverse speed-exploitation. In the social scope, the recycling not only provides better quality of life for the people, through the ambient improvements, as well as it has generated many ranks of work and income for people who live in the layers poor.

In Brazil the carroceiros exist or catadores of paper, that live of the sales of sucatas, aluminum papers, cans and other materials you recycle left for the garbage. Also they work in the collection or the classification of materials for the recycling. Click Nike for additional related pages. As it is a laborious, weighed and dirty service, it does not have great attractive power for the slices most qualified of the population. Thus, for many of people that works in the recycling (in special the ones that they have little formal education), the recycling is one of the only alternatives to gain its sustenance. Time of decomposition of the garbage Rind of banana or laranja2 Chiclete10 years years Rope of nylon30 Couro30 years vidamais years long Packing of 100 years Diaper descartvelmais of 600 years Bottle of plsticomais of 100 years Can of ao5 years Can of alumniomais of 100 Palito years of fsforo6 months Paper 3 months Paper plastificado1 the 5 Pneusindefinido years, more than 500 years cigarette Tip (Guimbas) the 10 20 years Remaining portions orgnicos2 the 12 months Plsticos30 Bags the 40 Tecido100 years the 400 Vidro4000 years years FINAL CONCLUSION We conclude with this project, that currently to work with the selective collection does not only bring benefits for the environment, but also for the companies implant who it. A good option for the SUESC would be this adopting the current trend to possess in its selective campus, collectors and program of selective collection and recycling of the produced garbage, permanently keeping a campaign of education and awareness of the importance of this practical. This is a project that demand great expense of resources, however, its benefits finish surpassing the expenses, collaborating to improve the image of the institution as a whole, adding value to name SUESC.

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