Special Education
Posted by Toni on 4th February and posted in Uncategorized
The reflections of Sacristn (1999) assist in them to conceive the school as a place that if must integrate the family, grant it representation to argue and act the questions that say respect to the learning of its children and its potentialities. To foment the construction solid of the school as a place of exchange of experiences, experiences, rightnesss, errors, joys, you distress; possibilities. To the search of reflection on dade pupils as Necessidades Educacionais Especiais (NEE) family, we search to analyze in the official speeches and the registers of acts of a Frum of 2 Family, the conceptions of citizen that if make gifts as well as the constituent paper of the familiar ones and of the school. We take as reference for analysis of the conception of the citizen of the special education, the representations that consist in the Declaration of Salamanca, the LDB/96, the Resolution n. 02/2001 and in the National Politics of Special Education in Perspective of the Inclusive Education of Janeiro/2008. For in such a way, the development of this study was carried through through documentary analysis, being based on the speech analysis, according to contributions of Orlandi (1996). For the author the language not if by the one of clear, evident form, but can be taken as interpretation object.
It pursues the understanding possibility on as the symbolic objects produce sensible. To understand that the concepts and the words in the written text make the difference is basic for the understanding of the intentions contained in the documents that we considered in them to analyze. Who is the citizen of the Special Education? The decade of 1990 was palco of many transformations in the field of the special education, new proposals of identification and, consequentemente, ' ' novos' ' citizens. The changes portray the alterations paradigmticas that transform the conceptions of the citizen, the representations and the expectations.