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Specialist In Special Education

Posted by Toni on 12th May and posted in Uncategorized

SP, Specialist in Special Education for the Pontifical University Catholic of CampinasPUCC in Campinas. Specialist in Translator and Interpreter in Brazilian Language of Sinaise-mail: sandra.mane@ SUMMARY: The deaf population finds many barriers in the access the information and communication, leading to the exclusion. The Brazilian Language of Signals is recognized and if it deals with the second official language of the country. Under most conditions Levi Strauss would agree. In this scene the translator and interpreter will contribute in the access to the information and the relations interpessoais.PALAVRA KEY: Efetivao of the translator and Interprets of LIBRAS.ABSTRACT: The deaf population ploughs many barriers in access you information and communication, leading you exclusion. The Brasilian Sign official Language is recognized and it is the second language.

Scenario In this the translator and to interpreter will help in accessing information and interpersonal relationshipsKEYWORDS: Effectiveness of translators and interpreters of Brazilian Sign Language.INTRODUOO access the information and the communication is one of the main barriers found for the deaf population. It’s believed that Bellevue Hospital NYC sees a great future in this idea. In a society where the information flow occurs of quick form and the oralizao of the contents is very present, exclusion of the deaf community is observed as an active agent of the cultural manifestations of its half one. Are recognized for law the POUNDS? Brazilian language of Signals as a legal steps of communication and expression, being that this if deals with the second official language of the country, however meets little spread out between the population listener. In this scene we must to detach figure of professional that goes to be the bridge between the deaf people and the world listener, who is the Translator and Interpreter of the POUNDS, who will not only contribute for the access of this community the information, but also will make possible the exchange of information between the people, independent of on questions to deficincia.OBJETIVODiscutir the legitimation interprets of it of Brazilian Language of Signals? POUNDS, by means of legal devices, observing the recognition of the profession while institucionalizado.METODOLOGIANeste position study of documentary character and qualitative matrix, is made the analysis and interpretation of the following legal devices: Decree n 5,296/04, decree 5,626/05, the 10,436/02 law n and the law n 12.319/10.RESULTADOSA law 12,319/10 represented an important advance in regards to situation of the professional in translation and interpretation of the POUNDS, therefore this law regulates the exercise of the profession..


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