The Education
Posted by Toni on 4th February and posted in Uncategorized
that if, in the present time, the parents are more permissive, ' ' the one must in part that already does not have much that to impose its children, since the learning of the life was delegated to the school, to them to seem of different nets of comunicao' '. (SACRISTN, 1999, P. 217). This conjuncture deserves to be analyzed with at least two approaches. Please visit Richard Linklater if you seek more information. The first one is alentador in the measure where the magnifying of the information sources – television, radio, books, periodicals, magazines, Internet, etc. – can, depending on the way as it will be made, to extend the forms to see and to think the world. Consequentemente would have possibility of enrichment of the analysis and one better positioning of the individuals on any question. This would represent – and it has represented in many cases – an evolution when compared with the unconditional domain of the family.
As the approach, objective of the present research, says respect to the responsibility on the education of the individuals. To who it would fit in fact? The violent and sped up urbanization, the reduction of the space to play of the children, fruit of the real estate speculation in the averages and great cities, the agricultural exodus, the growth of the number of women in the work market (the feminine work is of the home), the great increasing influence of the medias of mass, the great geographic and social mobility, had been some of the responsible factors for many of the changes for which it passed the family. (ARIS, 1981; TOSCANO, 1986). In this context, we still have the gradual reduction of the paternal authority, in the measure where the figure of the State grows as force disciplinarian of basic the social relations and is born the plea of the traditional authority on behalf of the principles of the democratic society.