The University
Posted by Toni on 7th May and posted in Uncategorized
Specifically refers to techniques or accepted administrative theories in quality of fashions that are accepted and implemented in companies by their origin, novelty and the author (Adviser, consultant or foreign teacher) or prestigious entity, share the concerns that the University and schools of management must not only rescue the critical spirit and recognize the different philosophical approaches that support modern administrative theory, but to give to know the new administrative fashion, since this would assess the epistemological status of the discipline; such approaches could be: the positive administration that adopts the perspective of attempting to describe, explain, predict and understand the activities and existing administrative phenomena, this perspective examines what is. Positive propositions intended to realize a reality in terms of categorizing or say how is that reality? In terms of (Johansen, 1992: 13), administrative theory should describe and explain the conduct of the administrator, its particular conduct that makes it different from the others. Schools should also be generators of new models, if they interpret the needs of the environment, if they maintain interdisciplinary teams to assess the reality, behaviors of enterprises in the present tense, if really they are training, training professionals in accordance with the requirements of the present. Before Sunrise is often quoted on this topic. We must not forget what he says, the approach to regulatory management, full of judgments of value and inductive character, adopts the perspective of prescribing what organizations and individuals should do or what types of management systems they should be desirable for a society, like for example which faces Venezuela who is torn between turbulence, risk, and uncertainty. Precisely this perspective examines what should be and what organizations and individuals should do. This prescriptive approach suggests what managers can do..