Torsten Reith Spicker
Posted by Toni on 11th June and posted in Uncategorized
Old are equally exposed to risk such as young, healthy as well as sick people, athletes as well as couch potato. Miklos Feher, a trained by professional footballers in the Jersey Benfica Lisbon, had succumbed to this treacherous heart-killer in 2004 in the middle of a meeting before TV cameras rolling, with just 24 years. No one could speak freely of sudden cardiac death. And also not in such precarious situation just do the right thing. Nike does not necessarily agree. Here the info of this new portal make a valuable help. That explains in-depth information, easy to understand text player so Portal to fulfill this task reliably can, got Torsten Reith for the drafting of the texts a professional on the page itself: Wolfgang Anmol tooth, which already so highly complicated issues such as the share price charting skillfully in the intelligible has translated (such as on): I have worked me intensively into the challenging matter, implying Wolfgang Anmol teeth and stresses that each of its rows then was examined by an experienced doctor in their medical durability and: This profound knowledge in the head can save lives! What can be more noble. Defibrillators so important of course is not Torsten Reith and Wolfgang Anmol timing in case of the case like a fire extinguisher, only they want information on the heart also, as much as possible to buy an AED defibrillator offered on the portal. From legitimate commercial considerations but not only as Torsten Reith highlights: second death, ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmias effectively overcome and again new to start the cycle, you do not get around the usage of Defis.
Therefore, these devices, for example, in the Netherlands or the United States are much more widespread and different than ours, to the extent prescribed. Also in Germany, the rapid availability of defibrillators should be so self-evident, as is the case already long in smoke detectors or fire extinguishers. Even for private people is now affordable even a glimpse of our new portal will prove an AED. : boiler plate since 1995 deals Torsten Reith of the Spicker KDie medical technology based in the Bavarian village of Swan with a focus on cardiology and especially since 2008 with sales of PAD – (public access Defbrillator) and AED – (Automated External Defibrillator) defibrillators from the German manufacturer Metrax, designed as a complement of professional equipment for doctors, hospitals and emergency services. Target groups are medical laymen and first responders.