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United States Curriculum

Posted by Toni on 4th February and posted in Uncategorized

As I mentioned previously, in education we have manifested our growth expectations, but if we analyze the curriculum established in the plans and current study programmes we will realize that the interests and objectives set out in them are vague because, remember that according to Bourdieu (1977) the curriculum is perceived as a cultural arbitrary, which not only has elements of a dominant group or a social sector but is a mixture of various elements, specifically in primary education is where rises the controversy over the curriculum, in primary education the structural axis is the free textbookwhich is constantly in view to criticisms which have already resulted in his review and corresponding modification. In this controversy the central problem lies in relation to the orientation and the nature of primary education. Another important aspect to treat is the fact of the social function of education, that displayed this as player of the social order, because the purpose of this is to constitute the social, through actions that are exercised by adults on young generations generations being, developing on these various States physical, emotional, intellectual, moral, etc. that are required by society itself aspects however new development perspectives are framed from the universal educational model, which is designed and transferred from United States it was underdeveloped countries, especially towards Latin American countries, in our country the development of curricular models are inclined to be innovative, critical social, reflective and critical analysis to respond to the interests and concerns of the various sectors, these curricula were developed in a practical and operational. Curriculum that currently applies to primary education framed content-based standards, values, abilities, skills, etc., organized manner, and objectives that want to cause, encourage or facilitate the processes of personal growth through education provides information and data about when, what and how to teach; structuring activities of teaching and learning in which students together with teachers can participate in relation to the objectives proposed around the selected content; as it progresses with the above above and with the intentions mentioned arrives at what is the indispensable part to ensure pedagogical action assessment, which is in charge of corrections to the action plans, this way we realize that the curriculum is the project that presides over the school educational activities, which has served as a guide for the educational level of primaryspecifying intentions and appropriate actions, providing at the same time tools to guide your teaching practice, however the curriculum explains the raison d ‘ etre of the education, but does not take into consideration the educational reality and the actual conditions in which the educational actions are carried out because it is too far from the reality of classrooms as often turn out to be of little or no help for teachers who live another realityclear example turns out to be the cultural aspect that tends to be of vital importance in certain localities or communities, as in many of these places have beliefs and different customs that prove to be of importance for the locals, while for other locations may not have the same importance.


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