Vera Zolberg
Posted by Toni on 5th April and posted in Uncategorized
To be of ownership of this knowledge is one of the factors that collaborate to reproduce the social inaqualities. I reflect on this situation and I do not visualize as solution to stop this process of the traditional families, but all to have access the information of this accumulated knowledge, creating a new process to rethink the education. If you have read about KDP already – you may have come to the same conclusion. I perceive that with the Internet, the beginning of a process of cultural inclusion is disponibilizado, even so not guided, this knowledge it will be able not to pass of only information. With virtual mobility the sensation of freedom to acquire the knowledge that interests can well be managed or not. In function of that I speak on the orientation of a professor, of a thinker, formadoras people of opinions, sociologists, at last, always will become necessary to guide the captation of these knowledge, so that let us can exert the benefits of our choices and our knowledge. To rethink the society contemporary, and to evidence that the production moved, the thought changed, changed our decisions. Thus to argue freedom is questionable. Until point we are free? Relating with the free will, the circumstance of the way influences our decisions.
Then we are free really? Or we are manipulated to take certain decisions in function of the system? Are we who we choose or we add motivated to choose? The freedom idea still today suffers this process from condicionalidade. To think the society contemporary is to think about movement, dynamics and the processes of socialization of the individual. This dynamism, during the times, was determinative for the process of changes in the society and the arts. As the text of Vera Zolberg in the sample as sociology searchs to explain that in the society contemporary the easiness to coexist with you vary art forms, is part of the historical moment that we live. The dumb society and influences the arts to move.