February 2016
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Posted by Toni on 26th February in
It is a wear and mental energy. You have to jump or knock down that wall that the put between you. What you going to do?. I explain three options: take it as if there were no such wall: He says this is so or anything or you have this week to exit this course […]
Posted by Toni on 18th February in
Chagas (2005, P. 63) affirmed that: the qualification of the workers is considered a basic and strategical factor, without which not if it can to make front to the challenges ranks for the productive paradigm that has for base the potentialities of the new technologies, Francisca of the Chagas Silva Rasp, (2005, p.65) still pointed […]
Posted by Toni on 6th February in
A child in a 3-year life must continue to care about promoting and protecting health, creating favorable conditions for the full physical development, its positive emotional state and the active behavior. Basic movements (walking, climbing and crawling, throwing, moving at a reduced limited support to maintain balance, etc.) to some extent already are mastered in […]
Posted by Toni on 5th February in
Have you ever thought about what the different sounds around us before we were born on this earth? But this is so, and each of us still in the womb, I heard the sound of my mother's heart, the voices of people around and, of course, music. Now we hardly remember what it was music. […]
Posted by Toni on 4th February in
The reflections of Sacristn (1999) assist in them to conceive the school as a place that if must integrate the family, grant it representation to argue and act the questions that say respect to the learning of its children and its potentialities. To foment the construction solid of the school as a place of exchange […]
Posted by Toni on 4th February in
that if, in the present time, the parents are more permissive, ' ' the one must in part that already does not have much that to impose its children, since the learning of the life was delegated to the school, to them to seem of different nets of comunicao' '. (SACRISTN, 1999, P. 217). This […]
Posted by Toni on 3rd February in
"Do not be sold, not bought: A good name, talent and love …" B. Okudzhava Walking across the expanses of the Internet, I often came across articles on the relationship of children and money. Often, I have bitterly establish the fact that many of these articles contain information once, and someone translated from foreign magazines […]
Posted by Toni on 2nd February in
What is it for – the ability to understand how the logic design and execution of logic? It is to be able to comprehensively and objectively evaluate a particular network resource. Well mastered the techniques, methods and techniques assessing the site, having mastered the hierarchy and the importance of evaluation criteria and, as a consequence, […]