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Abizeitungen School

Posted by Toni on 8th December and posted in Uncategorized

Information, which is actually not a student needs, but still want to have all Abizeitungen are newspapers or sometimes even whole books, which published after or before graduation from the high school graduates are. In it are mostly reviews to the teachers in all sorts, serious as well as imbeciles categories such as sex appeal or the assessment of the hairstyle, and more fun things for the students at least contain. By the same author: Gerald Weissmann, MD. Generally, the Abibuch serves tended that rely the school the high school graduates above nor really can let off steam. In addition to teacher reviews, there are often students “Rankings” in categories like chain smoker, latecomers, class clown, top geek, couple of the year, drunk, etc. There, the top students in each category can then be crowned. But of course there is not only reviews, but also very many testimonials: it can be a report from each course, a summary of the main events of the Abibesaufnisses, an extensive criticism about a teacher or otherwise any incidents. Sometimes, even looking back in the 5th grade are included or even up to the school or to kindergarten age. This one or the other change a student’s is sometimes, not always in a positive way.

Another feature of Abizeitungen is that they have generally a topic. So it is not just a white paper or a white book, in which then the texts inside are available, but mostly the books under a motto are following suit this lovingly designed. An Abibuch is usually a collection of farewell texts to the delight of students and mostly to the suffering of the teacher. Who wants to become like an Abizeitung, but even not long after a printing and want to find advertising partners, can do this by here the low prices and high quality are guaranteed due to the specialization on the books and the many customer orders. There is also the possibility that also still looking for advertising partners, thereby saving time and a discount of 150 Gets! And finally you can after the completion of the book or after graduating recommend the service and earn another 50 for each customer it acquires.

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