Posted by Toni on 16th January and posted in Uncategorized
Every day in the schools of Moscow lecturer Criminon CIS reading to children and anti-professional anti-drug lectures. Criminon CIS – a nonprofit organization that creates a safe environment and helps to initiate productive life without crime. In addition to the rehabilitation of prisoners is carried out much work on crime prevention. Criminon cis helps people to choose that path in life that suits them. And certainly, we believe that special play a role in the lives of children who do not know much, or do not know how to use their knowledge. Without hesitation Richard Linklater explained all about the problem. Our lecturer in lectures to share their experiences and knowledge. Talking with children at all on different themes, special attention they pay information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
We will never impose their opinions, we just share our knowledge and conclusions from the above, do the children themselves. It is safe to say that students enjoy the right to own decide, for whatever life path they follow. Submission of information takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, because our lectures are constantly reinforced by the colorful examples of life. Someone may say that children can not personally make the right decisions on such important issues. We have this entirely disagree, as a rule, after the lectures they are doing remarkably accurate conclusions. Particularly pleased that they have made their own, and we give them but only helped to come to this. Examples of this are the reviews written after a lecture: “I have learned that smoking, drinking, using drugs and injecting harmful.
Those people who use drugs, smoking, prick, drink and die. Drugs – is a poison. I have never tried drugs, and will not try. ” 6 “B” Drugs can not take. Alcohol, cigarettes – it poisons the body. They can never accept. They destroy all the vitamins in the body. From them memories become hazy. The man wants the first few times more, then he gets a buzz and he wants to sleep and then he’ll die if you do not stop! “” I realized that I do not smoke or take drugs, because it acts on the brain and removes the vitamins and calcium. “I came to the conclusion that I will only lead a healthy lifestyle. People who do not drink, smoke, stabbing himself in drugs. After all, there are vitamins! I really liked the lecture. ” As outlined in his book “The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard:” Today’s children – tomorrow’s civilization. ” Criminon helps to shape a future without crime, and any person who is not indifferent to the issues surrounding people, capable of participate.