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He Still Plays At The 8.Dez 2007 In Berlin – Or Is He Already Tucholsky

Posted by Toni on 18th February and posted in Uncategorized

Kurt Tucholsky, seduced us with humor and charm to listen. Gerald Weissmann, MD: the source for more info. Whether as a political satire, as prose, poem, song, or scene. The performance is a mixed bag, which is linked from poetry, prose, and songs. The singer Anja Dolak accompanied the performance on the accordion. A considerable part of his literary work is written in the tone of Berlin. With spree water baptized, he knew the foibles, the worries and the jargon of his Berlin. The performance shows that Tucholsky maintains with his mocking, witty storytelling and makes thoughtful. 2005 was the 70th anniversary of the death of Kurt Tucholsky.

The performance has been 2005 designed and developed as a collage, which shows a wide range of Tucholsky’s work. She reminds of the Berlin writer and satirist, who died on December 21, 1935 in Swedish exile. The rhythm of the scenic collage is a change from humor to wit, charm, and deeper meaning. In many texts, speaks in Berlin jargon Tucholsky and portrays the Berlin milieu. When: 8.Dez. 20 Watch, where: Tavern and stage – Max and Moritz, Oranienstr. 162, Kreuzberg, near U station Moritzplatz, cards: 8,-euro.

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