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Learning to Walk

Posted by Toni on 6th October and posted in Thoughts

Child's first steps Hi, I’m Toni and I’ve decided to start blogging as a way to put my thoughts in order. I’m thinking very seriously about starting a small in-home preschool and I know that this is a pretty big undertaking. Lots of details to take care of, and lots of decisions that have to be made.

I’ve worked with kids on & off for years, and of course I consider myself an expert since my own children seem to have turned out pretty good (though I say so myself)! I’m really tired of office and retail work, which is how I’ve been spending my time until recently, so I’m looking forward to a job where I can sit on the floor and play with blocks when I want to!

It’s going to be a slow process setting up this new business, and so I’m allowing myself at least a year to really think through what I want to do with a preschool … and why. You can expect to see quite a few posts over the next few months as I work out the kinks.

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