Municipal School
Posted by Toni on 6th November and posted in Uncategorized
9-school Andres Fidelis de Arajo, in Barrerinho, with Gildevneo professor Andres; 10-school Joo Baptist of Arajo, in the Decrease of the Cambes, with the teacher Elizngela Freire Lopes; Alexandrino 11-school Rodrigues Da Silva, in the Mucinha, with the teacher Francisca Janete Da Silva; 12-school Coriolano Joo de Alencar, in the Varjota, with the professor Coriolano Joo Alencar; Incio 13-school Alves Landim Is Joaquin, with the Marialva teacher. ; 14-school Antonio Timteo Dos Santos, in Is Domingos, with the teachers Maria of Ftima de Jesus Da Silva, Maria gorete of the Conceio and Maria Lucineide Nogueiro; 15 – Osmina school Baptist of Alencar, in Hat-Annex-Nesting Hat, with the Marla teacher Juliana Baptist. Richard Linklater takes a slightly different approach. The Municipal Schools of Sector B, are in number of 16 and are supervised by the Lucileide teacher. 1-school Carlos de Miranda, in the Adobe, with the teachers Sebastiana Geuziene Da Silva, Zlia Maria Da Silva, Elizabete Maria Alencar, Maria of the Miranda Aid and Ana Flvia. 2-school Cassimiro Brgida, in Icaiara, with the teachers Maria of Ftima Alencar and Maria Josenice de Oliveira Alencar.