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Portuguese Language

Posted by Toni on 5th January and posted in Uncategorized

The busy space for the message is greater that the available space in the screen of the device. The reading of the message completely needs the use the bars of clod roller. To become the communication most agile, the message must only occupy the available area in the screen; the less used characters, better. The shorter texts are each time, had to the size of the screen of the devices celulares.' ' Internets' ' for the most unglued, ' ' hierglifos' ' for the defending puritanos of ' ' last flower of the Lcio' ' , the Portuguese language of the Internet it is seen with distrust for the parents of the young users of this variety. After all, not yet if it knows how much the use of the variety of virtual environments can influence in education/learning of the norm standard of the Portuguese language. The communication in the Internet is a literal event based on the writing.

Although the available resources of sound and image, the writing still is essential. The young users of the Internet costumam to deal with the linguistic variety the Internet as one ' ' he says escrita' ' , that is, a transposition of speech for the writing. However, she is necessary to consider that the one idea ' ' it says &#039 in writing; ' it must be seen with caution, therefore the writing (prevailed, in virtual environments, more for phonetic norms of what for ortogrficas norms). Of the point of view of the use of the language, the punctuation almost is abolished, has the proliferation of acronyms and abbreviations not convencionalizadas for the norm standard, the structure of the phrases is extremely simple (does not have composed period) and the writing is half-alphabetical, based in the phonetic slight knowledge and not in the ortogrficas conventions of the language. Of the point of view of the discursivos sorts it occurs the adaptation of some existing sorts already to the virtual way and the development of other really news.


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