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You Are Currently Browsing Posts Tagged history
Posted by Toni on 15th May in history
Introduction At the beginning of century XX, in 1929 appears the School of the Analles, established for the French historians Lucien Frebve and Marc Bloch with intention to construct a new to look at on history. Thus, new boardings had constituted a new make of history as: history of the cities, history of practical the […]
Posted by Toni on 29th August in history
Napoleon Bonaparte – the world famous military leader and politician (August 15, 1769 – May 5, 1821) was born in Corsica, which just then was subjected to conquer the French. Large family Bonaparte, which had 8 children, with French authorities finally no longer had to stand up for their noble roots, but the sound noble […]
Posted by Toni on 1st January in history
In 1938, the People's Commissar received 208,276 letters, in 1939 – 360 109, in 1940 (4 months). – 166 497. Did anyone of them. Voroshilov? Yes, the units! Tens of thousands were killed. The repression of Stalin in the Red Army in 1930., Beheaded military elite and the survivors weaned from making independent decisions. Meanwhile, […]
Posted by Toni on 6th November in history
9-school Andres Fidelis de Arajo, in Barrerinho, with Gildevneo professor Andres; 10-school Joo Baptist of Arajo, in the Decrease of the Cambes, with the teacher Elizngela Freire Lopes; Alexandrino 11-school Rodrigues Da Silva, in the Mucinha, with the teacher Francisca Janete Da Silva; 12-school Coriolano Joo de Alencar, in the Varjota, with the professor Coriolano […]
Posted by Toni on 3rd November in history
All teaching professional activity possesss pedagogical nature, that is, tied to the educative objectives of formation human being and metodolgicos, organizacionais processes of construction to know and way of performance. For this, the professor needs knowledge and practical they take that it beyond its specialty, the pedagogical addition of specific knowledge of its area and […]
Posted by Toni on 31st October in history
3-Creuza Alves of the Light, in Situation, with the Paulina teachers Alves de Oliveira Rock and Francisca Maria de Oliveira. Epifnio 4-school Alves of the Light, in Macambira, with the teachers Luzia Maria Alves of the Light and Auxiliadora Maria Da Silva. 5-school Joo Antonio de Matos, in Return II, with the Tnia teachers Maria […]