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You Are Currently Browsing Posts Tagged philosophy
Posted by Toni on 13th August in philosophy
In this direction, we search to evidence conceptions on the education in the present time, over all what it says respect to the mediaes between the State, society and the education, considering in such a way, that for the development of a nation an education of quality is demanded. Ahead of this, one used a […]
Posted by Toni on 5th April in philosophy
To be of ownership of this knowledge is one of the factors that collaborate to reproduce the social inaqualities. I reflect on this situation and I do not visualize as solution to stop this process of the traditional families, but all to have access the information of this accumulated knowledge, creating a new process to […]
Posted by Toni on 19th January in philosophy
CORPOREIDADE AND EDUCATION Dra Teacher. Maria Ceclia L.M. Bonacelli In the society contemporary, each time more the people if finds by means of interfaces in detriment of the physical contact direct, face-the-face. This new condition has, pparently, excluded the paper of the body in the education. We live, therefore, a dematerialization of the body? We […]
Posted by Toni on 22nd September in philosophy
In way to as many necessary knowledge, the unnecessary ones have taken account of the Brazilian education. Would be this one of the reasons which the Philosophy have not been received as Philosophy? We understand as necessary knowledge the ones that are not IMEDIATOS and of comment tripping. In recent months, KDP has been very […]
Posted by Toni on 12th July in philosophy
Edson Silva I believe that never I will get used with acts of dullness and violence practised by said human beings e, saved deceit, some psychologists or psychiatrists say that almost all the people can commit some disactivate, depending on factors lived deeply in determined moments of its lives. It is technical the call not […]
Posted by Toni on 10th October in philosophy
Under it I judge of this dualidade, Nietzsche assevera that the Greeks would have suppressed the pessimism with its art that, certainly, it would represent the direction of the proper existence intensified in the beauty. As priority of the affection, awaken dionisaca music the creative act, will of being able, as superabundance of forces that […]
Posted by Toni on 16th July in philosophy
In the last years, we are seeing a resurgence of the interest in the oil of the Coco by part the industry of the health. The Coco oil gained a bad reputation by a study that discovered that the hydrogenated oil of the Coco is dangerous for the health. Nevertheless, now we know that the […]