Young Education
Posted by Toni on 18th February and posted in Uncategorized
Chagas (2005, P. 63) affirmed that: the qualification of the workers is considered a basic and strategical factor, without which not if it can to make front to the challenges ranks for the productive paradigm that has for base the potentialities of the new technologies, Francisca of the Chagas Silva Rasp, (2005, p.65) still pointed out: of a side the fight of the bourgeoisie so that the work is only abstract, of another one, the workers fighting so that the act to work does not constitute only repetition-reproduction, but involves the possibility of an appropriation, creator in the relation citizen-object. In the citation above the fight of the diligent classroom is told so that the act to work either much more of what repetition of movements, as one to press of screws, but either chance so that all the workers can create, to think, to carry through activities where its discoveries can bring beneficial transformations for the workers, the proper proprietors of the capital goods and the society in general. Although it has a resistance on the part of the bourgeois classroom so that this intellectual development of the workers does not come to happen, the education has the duty to form conscientious, professional citizens qualified capable of if engaging in the market of work without difficulties thus reaching, a full development desired by all. The Young Education of Adult can together with offer to this qualification a professionalization that to these individuals is arriving delayed, and this can very be offered well in as the segment of Basic Ensino and in Average Ensino. The professionalizing education destitute of the recital of power-making strengthens its subordination to the division of the work, that if perpetuates in the way of capitalist production. (Elenice Gomes de Oliveira, 2005, P. 76) According to above-mentioned author, the production, or better, the model of capitalist production demands to each day an education based on know-making and this strengthens the division of the work. Perhaps check out FASEB Journal for more information.