biblical studies
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You Are Currently Browsing Posts Tagged biblical studies
Posted by Toni on 27th February in biblical studies
We have the college of the reflection and in them it is fully accessible the knowledge of the truth. We need to know that as well as the hypothetical father of our historical one, our Father contemplates in them, and one day will come back to judge all our acts, beliefs and the meaning practical […]
Posted by Toni on 11th November in biblical studies
Valley to stand out that the majority of the pupils distant deferred payment of the school, being necessary use of the pertaining to school transport that goes until the vicinal ones (small land roads) to carry these pupils. Therefore, the choice of the school Rita Saint if gave for the fact of it is located […]
Posted by Toni on 16th April in biblical studies
We saw here two elements that define with precision true apstolo of Christ. Pablo had absolute certainty of its call and its transformation of life (Gl> 2.20), its attitudes expressed its conscience, as he himself nailed (change of mind, metanoia gr., repentance that appears inside of pra is). The mind of some brothers of Corinto […]