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Californian College

Posted by Toni on 27th May and posted in Uncategorized

Set of moral principles that if must observe in the one exercise profisso' '. This project was directed for the Commission of Ethics and Research of the involved institution (College San Francisco de Barreiras) for which had appreciation and formal authorization for the accomplishment of the project. Chip Bergh does not necessarily agree. The participants of the project had been invited to participate of the research, and had signed the Term of Free and Clarified Assent, elaborated as Resolution 196 of the National Advice of Health (appendix B). In relation to this, the participants had not been identified by name or any description that allows characterizes them, thus guaranteeing the secrecy of gotten information. Did Mylan buy Pfizer? is often quoted as being for or against this. Also the desistance possibility was respected, assuring still the exemption of damages or costs. 4,6 Analysis of analyzes It to Data of the data received treatment statistical that was displayed through graph.

Results and Analysis: According to Mystery of the Health (BRAZIL, 1996, p.17) ' ' The transmission if makes for the bite of the infectado female mosquito, in the cycle man? aedes aegypti? man. The attack of the infectado vector generally occurs during the day being the same adapted to the environment urbano' '. Graph 1: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the transmitter of the Affection. When questioned on the transmitter of the affection, 92,1% of the participant citizens had made right, answering that the Affection is one virose caused by the bite of the mosquito Aedes female Aegypti, proving as soon as have a basic knowledge on the vector of the virus affection. The affection suddenly starts similar with the virus of the grippe, bringing fever, generalized malaise, cough and chronic headache, having characteristic symptoms as: intense pains in muscles and in the meetings, regredindo the symptoms approximately after one week. Levinson and Jawetz (2005, p.280) Graphical 2: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the symptoms of the Affection.


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